Thursday 11th April 1912
The second day of the Titanic's maiden voyage.
Passengers are waking up after their first night at sea.
Getting dressed and heading down for breakfast.
Today was also the 25th birthday of Jack Phillips, the Senior Wireless Operator.

Titanic sailing towards Ireland on the morning of 11th April. Taken by Francis Browne
Breakfast is served.

First Class passengers enjoying breakfast, Photo by Francis Browne]
A video by RMSTitanic.Design about Browne, and analysing the dining room photo.
Titanic passed the Daunt Light Vessel and brought aboard the pilot to navigate the Irish coast and bring Titanic into the bay near Queenstown (Cork) safely.
Titanic drops anchor in Queenstown (Cork), Ireland

Titanic in Queenstown (Cork) from aboard one of the tender boats approaches her.
The press were allowed onboard. One of the reporters took a photograph of Captain Smith with Purser McElroy on the officers promenade.

Photo of Captain Smith and McElroy on the officers promenade in Queenstown, Ireland
The first class promenade was full with Irish merchants that were allowed to come onboard and sell their products to the passengers. Passengers enjoyed browsed the make-shift stalls, J. Astor reportedly bought one merchants whole stock of Irish lace for his new wife Madeline.

Photo by Francis Browne on one of the tenders after disembarking Titanic with the merchants.
Passengers boarding from Ireland were:
7 Second Class passengers
116 Third Class passengers
As the S.S Ireland pulled up to the ship's side, a soot-faced stoker peered down at them from the dummy fourth funnel. To some aboard it was a bad omen, symbolising an impending doom. Many people of Queenstown believed the Titanic to have been
'Touched by the devil'.

A stoker enjoying a smoke at the top of the forth funnel of Olympic.
1 crewman, John Coffey decided to jump ship and board a tender. He later claimed he was scared of the ship.
7 passengers disembarked Titanic at Queenstown including Francis Browne.
During his short time aboard Titanic, Browne befriended an American millionaire who offered to pay his way to New York, however much to his luck Browne’s superior responded to his telegraph requesting permission claiming “GET OFF THAT SHIP – PROVINCIAL!”

On disembarking Titanic from the starboard gangway on E deck, Browne took this photo of the anchor being raised for the last time.

on the tender back to Queenstown, Francis Browne looked back at Titanic and took this Photo
Titanic starts to pull away and out of the bay.

This is thought to be the last known photograph of Titanic before she sank.
Stopping once at the Daunt Light Vessel to drop off the pilot. She left, passing the Old Head of Kinsale on her way through St. George Channel.
Titanic leaves land for the final time, with Ireland disappearing behind her.
Third class passengers from Ireland, gathered on the poop deck of the ship and watched their home country disappear, likely not to see their homeland again even if they survived.
Irish hymns were played and passengers sang along in sadness.
Later that afternoon, the second class pursers office was getting a few complaints from unhappy passengers regarding some rooms having a string smell of fresh paint, the rooms being too small and some heaters not working. These passengers were shuffled around and everyone settled into daily routine.
The first formal dinner of the voyage was served.
Passengers were expected to change for dinner and passengers started to establish shipboard friendships.
Lights out. Third class passengers were expected to be in their cabins with the lights out.
First and second class facilities were closed to service but passengers could remain in the public rooms and finish their drinks before retiring.
Titanic sailed with:
918 Total Crew
319 First Class passengers
272 Second Class passengers
709 Third Class passengers
51% Passenger Occupancy
62% Total Occupancy
Written by Chris Walker of RMSTitanic.Design